This is the perfect workspace for those who are looking for an extremely flexible solution.

Hot Desks
You can hire a desk on a weekly basis allowing you to bring your laptop, plug and go. Main features include:
- Wi-Fi
- Desks available in both private and common areas
- Use of on-site meeting rooms (restricted hours)
- Secure access
- Online billing
- Use of facilities including break-outs, kitchens and shared spaces
Tip: Pair this with a virtual office allowing you to use our address for mail handling and deliveries.
These General Terms and Conditions apply to Co-Working agreements for services we supply to You.
1.0 General Agreement
1.1 The nature of this agreement: At all times, each Centre remains in Our possession and control. YOU ACCEPT THAT AN AGREEMENT CREATES NO TENANCY INTEREST, LEASEHOLD ESTATE OR OTHER REAL PROPERTY INTEREST IN YOUR FAVOUR WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCOMMODATION. Occupation by You is the commercial equivalent of an agreement for accommodation in a hotel. We are giving You the right to share the use of the Centre with Us and other clients.
1.2 House Rules: The House Rules are displayed within the Co-Working Suite at the Centre, are primarily in place and enforced to ensure that all clients have a professional environment to work in. House Rules may be updated from time to time at our discretion.
1.3 Availability at the start of an agreement: If for any unfortunate reason We cannot provide the services or accommodation in the Centre stated in an agreement by the start date, We will have no liability to You for any loss or damage but You may delay the start of the agreement or cancel it.
1.4 Automatic renewal: So that we can manage your services effectively and to ensure seamless continuity of those services, all agreements will renew automatically for successive periods equal to the current term until brought to an end by You or Us. All periods shall run to the last day of the month in which they would otherwise expire. The fees on any renewal will be at the then prevailing market rate. If you do not wish for an agreement to renew then you can cancel it easily with effect from the end date stated in the agreement, or at the end of any extension or renewal period by giving us notice in accordance with this agreement.
1.5 We may elect not to renew an agreement. If so, We will inform You by email.
1.6 If the Centre is no longer available: In the event that We are permanently unable to provide the services and accommodation at the Centre stated in this agreement, We will offer You accommodation in one of Our other centres (subject to availability). In the unlikely event we are unable to find an alternative accommodation that is acceptable to You, Your agreement will end and You will only have to pay fees for any period you have used the Centre and for any additional services You have used.
1.7.1 Ending an agreement immediately: We may put an end to an agreement immediately by giving You notice if (a) You become insolvent or bankrupt; or (b) You breach one of your obligations which cannot be put right, or which We have given You notice to put right and which You have failed to put right within 7 days of that notice; or (c) Your conduct, or that of someone at the Centre with Your permission or invitation, is in breach of this agreement or the House Rules and, (i) that conduct continues despite You having been given notice, or (ii) that conduct is material enough (in Our reasonable opinion) to warrant immediate termination; or (d) You are in breach of the “Compliance With Law” clause below. If We put an end to an agreement for any of the reasons referred to in this clause it does not put an end to any of Your financial obligations, including, without limitation, for the remainder of the period for which Your agreement would have lasted if We had not terminated it.
1.7.2 Terminating this agreement: If you wish to terminate this agreement, simply serve termination notice in writing to our head office address or via email to [email protected]. The following notice period applies: (1) For Dedicated Desks where the agreement is on a monthly rolling basis, one full calendar months’ notice must be given and the agreement will end on the last day of the following period for example, if you’re term runs from 14th April to 13th May and you serve notice between these dates, your term will end on 13th June. (2) For Hot Desks where the agreement is on a rolling weekly basis, one full weeks’ notice must be given; for example, if your terms runs Monday 12th August 2019 to Sunday 18th August 2019 and you give notice between these dates, your term will end on the following Sunday i.e. in the above example, on 25th August 2019.
1.8 When this agreement ends: You must vacate Your accommodation immediately leaving it in the same state and condition as it was when You took it. We reserve the right to charge additional reasonable fees for any repairs needed above and beyond normal wear and tear. If You leave any property in the Centre We may dispose of it at Your cost in any way We choose without owing You any responsibility for it or any proceeds of sale. If You continue to use the accommodation when an agreement has ended, You will be classed as a trespasser and appropriate legal action may be taken against You. You will be responsible for any loss, claim, costs or liability We may incur as a result of Your failure to vacate on time.
2.0 Use of the Centre and Co-Working Suite
2.1.1 Business Operations: You may not carry on a business that competes with Our business of providing serviced offices and flexible working. You may not use Our name (or that of Our affiliates) in any way in connection with Your business. Hot Desk users are not permitted to use the Address of the Centre. Dedicated Desk users can use the Centre address. You must only use the accommodation for office business purposes. If We decide that a request for any particular service is excessive, We reserve the right to charge an additional fee. You are not permitted to operate a business which invites members of the public into the Centre.
2.1.2 Hours of Use: You are permitted to access the Centre between the hours of 08:00 to 18:00, Monday to Friday. Access is not permitted outside of these hours, on weekends or Public Bank Holidays.
2.1.3 Use of Common Areas: You may use the entrance way, passageways and lobbies to access the Co-Working area. You are also permitted to use any external breakout areas and the WC’s within the Centre. You are not permitted to use meeting rooms, board rooms, internal breakout areas or other facilities within the Centre other than those which are located within the Co-Working suite. You are not permitted to obstruct entrance ways or leave items within Common Areas.
2.1.4 Furniture: You are not permitted to bring nor install within the Centre any large or bulky items, (which require two people to lift or weigh over 25kg) equipment used to heat or cool a room, equipment which can be used to prepare food or any other such equipment which may pose a nuisance or risk to health and safety.
2.2.1 Alterations or Damage: You are liable for any damage caused by You or those in the Centre with Your permission, whether express or implied, including but not limited to all employees, contractors and/or agents. You are not permitted to make any alterations within the Centre.
2.2.2 IT Installations: We take great pride in Our IT infrastructure and its upkeep and therefore You must not install any cabling, IT or telecom connections. Any portable electronics you plug into power sockets within the Centre must be PAT tested at your own expense. We may ask for proof that such appliance has been tested.
2.2.3 Use of Desks: Dedicated desk users are only permitted to use desks that have been allocated to them on a non-exclusive basis. Hot Desk users may use any range of Hot Desks as allocated within this agreement, again on a non-exclusive basis. Occasionally to ensure the efficient running of the Centre, We may need to allocate different desks to You, but it will be of reasonably equivalent size and We will notify You with respect in advance. You should keep your desk clean and in a good state of repair.
2.2.4 Access to your desk, cupboard, locker or drawers (where provided and applicable): In order to maintain a high level of service and security, We may need to access your desk, cupboard, locker or drawers and may do so at any time, including without limitation, in an emergency, for cleaning and inspection or in order to resell the space if You have given notice to terminate. We will always endeavour to respect any of Your reasonable security procedures to protect the confidentiality of Your business.
2.3 Compliance with Law: You must comply with all relevant laws and regulations in the conduct of Your business. You must not do anything that may interfere with the use of the Centre by Us or by others (including but not limited to political campaigning or immoral activity), cause any nuisance or annoyance, or cause loss or damage to Us (including damage to reputation) or to the owner of any interest in the building. If We have been advised by any government authority or other legislative body that it has reasonable suspicion that You are conducting criminal activities from the Centre or You have or become subject to any government sanctions, then We shall be entitled to terminate any and all of Your agreements with immediate effect. You acknowledge that any breach by You of this clause shall constitute a material default, entitling Us to terminate Your agreement without further notice.
2.4 Ethical Trading: Both We and You shall comply at all times with all relevant anti-slavery, anti-bribery and anticorruption laws.
2.5 You must adhere to the House Rules as set out in Clause 1.2 of this agreement. Amongst other rules, you are not permitted to bring pets or other animals into the Centre. You are also not permitted to bring bicycles into the Centre.
2.6 Data protection: You acknowledge that We may collect and process personal data from You and Your employees as strictly necessary to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations and to enable Us effectively to provide services to You. You acknowledge and accept that such personal data may be transferred or made accessible to other entities in our group, wherever located, for the purposes of providing the services, in each case in accordance with all applicable data protection legislation.
2.7 Confidentiality: The terms of an agreement are confidential. You may not disclose them without our written consent unless required to do so by law or an official authority. This obligation continues for a period of 3 years after an agreement ends.
2.8 Assignment: An agreement is personal to You and cannot be transferred to anyone else without prior consent from Us unless such transfer is required by law.
2.9 Applicable law: This agreement is interpreted and enforced in accordance with the law of the United Kingdom.
3.0 Our liability to You and Insurance
3.1 Liability: We shall not be liable for the death of or injury to You, Your employees or Visitors for damage to any property of Yours or theirs or for any losses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, costs or expenses or other liability.
3.2 Insurance: It is Your responsibility to arrange insurance for property which You bring in to the Centre, for any post You send or receive and for Your own liability to your employees and to third parties. We strongly recommend that You put such insurance in place. We do not accept any liability over any of your lost, damaged, stolen or missing possessions.
3.3 Whilst We have security internet protocols in place and strive to provide seamless internet connectivity, we do not make any representation and cannot guarantee any maintained level of connectivity to our network or to the internet, nor the level of security of it or information and data that you place on it. You should adopt whatever security measures (such as encryption and/or anti-virus) You believe are appropriate to Your business. Your sole and exclusive remedy in relation to issues of reduced connectivity which are within Our reasonable control shall be for Us to rectify the issue within a reasonable time following notice from You to Us.
3.4 Exclusion of consequential losses: We will not in any circumstances have any liability to You for loss of business, loss of profits, loss of anticipated savings, loss of or damage to data, third party claims or any consequential loss. We strongly recommend that You insure against all such potential loss, damage, expense or liability.
4.0 Fees
4.1 Payment of fees: You must pay the Service Fee and The Deposit in advance of using the Services. You will be responsible for any late payment fees or costs in taking enforcement action against You including but not limited to any costs associated with debt recovery action, solicitors’ fees or court costs.
4.2 Deposit: Your deposit will be held by Us without generating interest as security for performance of all Your obligations under this agreement. All requests for the return must be made in writing and providing there have been no breaches of this agreement, your deposit will be returned within 60 days to You once your agreement has ended and when You have settled Your account. We will deduct any outstanding fees and other costs due to Us before returning the balance to You. We may require You to pay an increased deposit if the monthly fee increases upon renewal, outstanding fees exceed the deposit held and/or You frequently fail to pay invoices when due.
4.3 Taxes, Business Rates and Workplace Parking Levy: You agree to pay promptly any VAT or other government tax that may be chargeable on the services provided to you under this agreement. You agree to pay any Business Rates or BID Levy that may fall due for any space you occupy. You also agree to pay for any Workplace Parking Levy that may apply by your occupation under this service agreement.
4.4 Payment: We will send all invoices electronically via email. We reserve the right to charge £2.50 for every invoice we must send out in paper format upon your request.
4.5 Late payment: If You do not pay fees when due, a late payment fee of £35 plus VAT will be charged on all overdue balances. If You dispute any part of an invoice You must pay the amount not in dispute by the due date or be subject to late fees. We also reserve the right to withhold services (including for the avoidance of doubt, denying You access to the Centre where applicable) while there are any outstanding fees and/or interest, or You are in breach of an agreement.
4.6 Insufficient Funds: Due to the additional administration We incur You will pay a fee of £35 plus VAT for any returned or declined payments due to insufficient funds.
4.7 Indexation: If an agreement rolls on for a term of more than 12 months, We will increase the monthly fee on each anniversary of the start date by 2% + RPI All Items Index.
4.8 Standard services: Monthly fees, plus applicable taxes, and any recurring services requested by You are payable monthly in advance. For any part period the fee will be calculated on a daily basis.
4.9 Indemnity: You agree to indemnify Us against all losses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, costs or expenses or other liability arising in any way from any breaches You may cause in respect of this agreement.
4.10 Additional, replacement or missing keys/fobs/access cards. Each user will be permitted 1 set of access keys/fobs/access cards. For each additional, missing or replacement key, card or access fob, a charge of £50 plus VAT will be levied to the account.
These Terms and Conditions may be reviewed from time to time. If they do, we will notify you in advance in writing.

Dedicated Desks
All the features of a hot desk but allowing you peace of mind of a guaranteed desk. Main features include:
- Superfast Wi-Fi available
- Guaranteed desk in a private, shared office
- Lockable dedicated drawers
- Personalised desk signage
- Additional meeting room hours
- Early access and late egress providing you additional working hours
Tip: This includes use of our centre address for mail handling and deliveries.
These General Terms and Conditions apply to Co-Working agreements for services we supply to You.
1.0 General Agreement
1.1 The nature of this agreement: At all times, each Centre remains in Our possession and control. YOU ACCEPT THAT AN AGREEMENT CREATES NO TENANCY INTEREST, LEASEHOLD ESTATE OR OTHER REAL PROPERTY INTEREST IN YOUR FAVOUR WITH RESPECT TO THE ACCOMMODATION. Occupation by You is the commercial equivalent of an agreement for accommodation in a hotel. We are giving You the right to share the use of the Centre with Us and other clients.
1.2 House Rules: The House Rules are displayed within the Co-Working Suite at the Centre, are primarily in place and enforced to ensure that all clients have a professional environment to work in. House Rules may be updated from time to time at our discretion.
1.3 Availability at the start of an agreement: If for any unfortunate reason We cannot provide the services or accommodation in the Centre stated in an agreement by the start date, We will have no liability to You for any loss or damage but You may delay the start of the agreement or cancel it.
1.4 Automatic renewal: So that we can manage your services effectively and to ensure seamless continuity of those services, all agreements will renew automatically for successive periods equal to the current term until brought to an end by You or Us. All periods shall run to the last day of the month in which they would otherwise expire. The fees on any renewal will be at the then prevailing market rate. If you do not wish for an agreement to renew then you can cancel it easily with effect from the end date stated in the agreement, or at the end of any extension or renewal period by giving us notice in accordance with this agreement.
1.5 We may elect not to renew an agreement. If so, We will inform You by email.
1.6 If the Centre is no longer available: In the event that We are permanently unable to provide the services and accommodation at the Centre stated in this agreement, We will offer You accommodation in one of Our other centres (subject to availability). In the unlikely event we are unable to find an alternative accommodation that is acceptable to You, Your agreement will end and You will only have to pay fees for any period you have used the Centre and for any additional services You have used.
1.7.1 Ending an agreement immediately: We may put an end to an agreement immediately by giving You notice if (a) You become insolvent or bankrupt; or (b) You breach one of your obligations which cannot be put right, or which We have given You notice to put right and which You have failed to put right within 7 days of that notice; or (c) Your conduct, or that of someone at the Centre with Your permission or invitation, is in breach of this agreement or the House Rules and, (i) that conduct continues despite You having been given notice, or (ii) that conduct is material enough (in Our reasonable opinion) to warrant immediate termination; or (d) You are in breach of the “Compliance With Law” clause below. If We put an end to an agreement for any of the reasons referred to in this clause it does not put an end to any of Your financial obligations, including, without limitation, for the remainder of the period for which Your agreement would have lasted if We had not terminated it.
1.7.2 Terminating this agreement: If you wish to terminate this agreement, simply serve termination notice in writing to our head office address or via email to [email protected]. The following notice period applies: (1) For Dedicated Desks where the agreement is on a monthly rolling basis, one full calendar months’ notice must be given and the agreement will end on the last day of the following period for example, if you’re term runs from 14th April to 13th May and you serve notice between these dates, your term will end on 13th June. (2) For Hot Desks where the agreement is on a rolling weekly basis, one full weeks’ notice must be given; for example, if your terms runs Monday 12th August 2019 to Sunday 18th August 2019 and you give notice between these dates, your term will end on the following Sunday i.e. in the above example, on 25th August 2019.
1.8 When this agreement ends: You must vacate Your accommodation immediately leaving it in the same state and condition as it was when You took it. We reserve the right to charge additional reasonable fees for any repairs needed above and beyond normal wear and tear. If You leave any property in the Centre We may dispose of it at Your cost in any way We choose without owing You any responsibility for it or any proceeds of sale. If You continue to use the accommodation when an agreement has ended, You will be classed as a trespasser and appropriate legal action may be taken against You. You will be responsible for any loss, claim, costs or liability We may incur as a result of Your failure to vacate on time.
2.0 Use of the Centre and Co-Working Suite
2.1.1 Business Operations: You may not carry on a business that competes with Our business of providing serviced offices and flexible working. You may not use Our name (or that of Our affiliates) in any way in connection with Your business. Hot Desk users are not permitted to use the Address of the Centre. Dedicated Desk users can use the Centre address. You must only use the accommodation for office business purposes. If We decide that a request for any particular service is excessive, We reserve the right to charge an additional fee. You are not permitted to operate a business which invites members of the public into the Centre.
2.1.2 Hours of Use: You are permitted to access the Centre between the hours of 08:00 to 18:00, Monday to Friday. Access is not permitted outside of these hours, on weekends or Public Bank Holidays.
2.1.3 Use of Common Areas: You may use the entrance way, passageways and lobbies to access the Co-Working area. You are also permitted to use any external breakout areas and the WC’s within the Centre. You are not permitted to use meeting rooms, board rooms, internal breakout areas or other facilities within the Centre other than those which are located within the Co-Working suite. You are not permitted to obstruct entrance ways or leave items within Common Areas.
2.1.4 Furniture: You are not permitted to bring nor install within the Centre any large or bulky items, (which require two people to lift or weigh over 25kg) equipment used to heat or cool a room, equipment which can be used to prepare food or any other such equipment which may pose a nuisance or risk to health and safety.
2.2.1 Alterations or Damage: You are liable for any damage caused by You or those in the Centre with Your permission, whether express or implied, including but not limited to all employees, contractors and/or agents. You are not permitted to make any alterations within the Centre.
2.2.2 IT Installations: We take great pride in Our IT infrastructure and its upkeep and therefore You must not install any cabling, IT or telecom connections. Any portable electronics you plug into power sockets within the Centre must be PAT tested at your own expense. We may ask for proof that such appliance has been tested.
2.2.3 Use of Desks: Dedicated desk users are only permitted to use desks that have been allocated to them on a non-exclusive basis. Hot Desk users may use any range of Hot Desks as allocated within this agreement, again on a non-exclusive basis. Occasionally to ensure the efficient running of the Centre, We may need to allocate different desks to You, but it will be of reasonably equivalent size and We will notify You with respect in advance. You should keep your desk clean and in a good state of repair.
2.2.4 Access to your desk, cupboard, locker or drawers (where provided and applicable): In order to maintain a high level of service and security, We may need to access your desk, cupboard, locker or drawers and may do so at any time, including without limitation, in an emergency, for cleaning and inspection or in order to resell the space if You have given notice to terminate. We will always endeavour to respect any of Your reasonable security procedures to protect the confidentiality of Your business.
2.3 Compliance with Law: You must comply with all relevant laws and regulations in the conduct of Your business. You must not do anything that may interfere with the use of the Centre by Us or by others (including but not limited to political campaigning or immoral activity), cause any nuisance or annoyance, or cause loss or damage to Us (including damage to reputation) or to the owner of any interest in the building. If We have been advised by any government authority or other legislative body that it has reasonable suspicion that You are conducting criminal activities from the Centre or You have or become subject to any government sanctions, then We shall be entitled to terminate any and all of Your agreements with immediate effect. You acknowledge that any breach by You of this clause shall constitute a material default, entitling Us to terminate Your agreement without further notice.
2.4 Ethical Trading: Both We and You shall comply at all times with all relevant anti-slavery, anti-bribery and anticorruption laws.
2.5 You must adhere to the House Rules as set out in Clause 1.2 of this agreement. Amongst other rules, you are not permitted to bring pets or other animals into the Centre. You are also not permitted to bring bicycles into the Centre.
2.6 Data protection: You acknowledge that We may collect and process personal data from You and Your employees as strictly necessary to ensure compliance with applicable laws and regulations and to enable Us effectively to provide services to You. You acknowledge and accept that such personal data may be transferred or made accessible to other entities in our group, wherever located, for the purposes of providing the services, in each case in accordance with all applicable data protection legislation.
2.7 Confidentiality: The terms of an agreement are confidential. You may not disclose them without our written consent unless required to do so by law or an official authority. This obligation continues for a period of 3 years after an agreement ends.
2.8 Assignment: An agreement is personal to You and cannot be transferred to anyone else without prior consent from Us unless such transfer is required by law.
2.9 Applicable law: This agreement is interpreted and enforced in accordance with the law of the United Kingdom.
3.0 Our liability to You and Insurance
3.1 Liability: We shall not be liable for the death of or injury to You, Your employees or Visitors for damage to any property of Yours or theirs or for any losses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, costs or expenses or other liability.
3.2 Insurance: It is Your responsibility to arrange insurance for property which You bring in to the Centre, for any post You send or receive and for Your own liability to your employees and to third parties. We strongly recommend that You put such insurance in place. We do not accept any liability over any of your lost, damaged, stolen or missing possessions.
3.3 Whilst We have security internet protocols in place and strive to provide seamless internet connectivity, we do not make any representation and cannot guarantee any maintained level of connectivity to our network or to the internet, nor the level of security of it or information and data that you place on it. You should adopt whatever security measures (such as encryption and/or anti-virus) You believe are appropriate to Your business. Your sole and exclusive remedy in relation to issues of reduced connectivity which are within Our reasonable control shall be for Us to rectify the issue within a reasonable time following notice from You to Us.
3.4 Exclusion of consequential losses: We will not in any circumstances have any liability to You for loss of business, loss of profits, loss of anticipated savings, loss of or damage to data, third party claims or any consequential loss. We strongly recommend that You insure against all such potential loss, damage, expense or liability.
4.0 Fees
4.1 Payment of fees: You must pay the Service Fee and The Deposit in advance of using the Services. You will be responsible for any late payment fees or costs in taking enforcement action against You including but not limited to any costs associated with debt recovery action, solicitors’ fees or court costs.
4.2 Deposit: Your deposit will be held by Us without generating interest as security for performance of all Your obligations under this agreement. All requests for the return must be made in writing and providing there have been no breaches of this agreement, your deposit will be returned within 60 days to You once your agreement has ended and when You have settled Your account. We will deduct any outstanding fees and other costs due to Us before returning the balance to You. We may require You to pay an increased deposit if the monthly fee increases upon renewal, outstanding fees exceed the deposit held and/or You frequently fail to pay invoices when due.
4.3 Taxes, Business Rates and Workplace Parking Levy: You agree to pay promptly any VAT or other government tax that may be chargeable on the services provided to you under this agreement. You agree to pay any Business Rates or BID Levy that may fall due for any space you occupy. You also agree to pay for any Workplace Parking Levy that may apply by your occupation under this service agreement.
4.4 Payment: We will send all invoices electronically via email. We reserve the right to charge £2.50 for every invoice we must send out in paper format upon your request.
4.5 Late payment: If You do not pay fees when due, a late payment fee of £35 plus VAT will be charged on all overdue balances. If You dispute any part of an invoice You must pay the amount not in dispute by the due date or be subject to late fees. We also reserve the right to withhold services (including for the avoidance of doubt, denying You access to the Centre where applicable) while there are any outstanding fees and/or interest, or You are in breach of an agreement.
4.6 Insufficient Funds: Due to the additional administration We incur You will pay a fee of £35 plus VAT for any returned or declined payments due to insufficient funds.
4.7 Indexation: If an agreement rolls on for a term of more than 12 months, We will increase the monthly fee on each anniversary of the start date by 2% + RPI All Items Index.
4.8 Standard services: Monthly fees, plus applicable taxes, and any recurring services requested by You are payable monthly in advance. For any part period the fee will be calculated on a daily basis.
4.9 Indemnity: You agree to indemnify Us against all losses, claims, demands, actions, proceedings, damages, costs or expenses or other liability arising in any way from any breaches You may cause in respect of this agreement.
4.10 Additional, replacement or missing keys/fobs/access cards. Each user will be permitted 1 set of access keys/fobs/access cards. For each additional, missing or replacement key, card or access fob, a charge of £50 plus VAT will be levied to the account.
These Terms and Conditions may be reviewed from time to time. If they do, we will notify you in advance in writing.